11 Signs it Might Be Time For Assisted Living

A close-up image of an older adult sitting with their right hand clasped over a caregiver's hands on their chest.

Navigating the decision to transition a loved one to assisted living can be challenging for adult children. However, it’s crucial to balance the emotional and practical aspects of your loved one’s quality of life while also ensuring their well-being. Assisted living often does just this.

Can A Person With Alzheimer’s Sign a Power of Attorney?

An adult and their senior parent discuss POA options with a lawyer.

When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, understanding the legal aspects of their care can be empowering. 

One important document that often comes into play is a power of attorney (POA). But can someone with Alzheimer’s sign a POA? The answer is yes, as long as they are still mentally competent when signing. Understanding how a POA works, how to determine mental competence, and what alternatives exist can help ensure that your loved one’s wishes are respected, giving you a sense of control in what can be a challenging situation.